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How to Write an Extended Essay: Format, Outline, Guidelaines

Writing an extended essay can be an issue, particularly when you do not know how to write an extended essay professionally. In most cases, while working on the essay, you will need someone to help you with it. Make sure that you choose an expert writer who specializes in your topic and subject. Also, you need someone really experienced in writing extended paper works. For example, if you specialize in mathematics and you are writing an extended essay in math, choose a person who has a degree in the same field and knows how to handle an extended essay task. At the same time, be ready to assume a great deal of responsibility, because writing an extended essay is a torture rather than pleasure. You will need to consider a whole set of variables before you choose an optimal plan for writing and follow it, step by step. Another option is to order IB extended essay at affordable price on Exclusive Paper net.
Extended Essay Definition
An extended essay is like a conventional research paper; however, the extended essay definition is long enough to challenge even the most dedicated student. Typically, an extended essay will be 4,000 words long. It is a project completed by students to signalize their effort and progress during an academic program. TOK essay and presentation principles are also integrated into this type of work. You cannot progress toward the completion of your degree without submitting a perfectly written extended essay (EE). This is particularly the case of students enrolled in International Baccalaureate programs.
An EE is like a mini-thesis. It is long and incorporates many different components. You will be working on your extended essay under the constant supervision of your program advisor. In most cases, the EE that you write will create a framework for writing an IB diploma. This is why you should be very meticulous choosing the right topic for your EE. If the EE is successful, you will continue this path toward writing a diploma.
An EE should contain a minimum of 3-4 thousand words. Your advisor will guide you through each stage and step of the writing process. You will hardly have an opportunity to write an EE on your own. Given the complexity and volume of this work, you will need someone to monitor your progress and provide recommendations to improve your results. Once you identify the topic and receive your advisor’s approval, you will be set to write a perfect paper according to your institution’s requirements.
In EE writing, you will need to use your critical thinking, exploration, investigation, and experimentation skills. You will also need to evaluate the consistency and appropriateness of the material used in your work. Imagine that you are a private detective who is investigating a difficult case. Your task is to find the clue. Your EE will start with an introduction, include a large body, and wrap up with a conclusion. Ask your instructor for help to write a brilliant EE!
Extended Essay Format
You are to follow this extended essay format:
- double-spaced;
- a title page including your last name, course number, and date;
- 1-inch margins on all sides;
- a running head on each page;
- paragraphs indented and left-aligned;
- research question presented in bold at the beginning of the introduction;
- in-text citations according to the required format;
- all references mentioned in the text must be present at the end, in your list of references;
- any title of the book should be italicized if mentioned in the body of the paper;
- paraphrase; use quotations only in exceptional cases;
- if lengthy quotations are used, they must be indented;
- include headings and subheadings for better organization of the subject material.
Details of Extended Essay Format
- Develop a strong and focused research question. It will guide the writing process for you.
- While developing a thesis, include relevant data to justify the significance of the topic for your reader.
- Incorporate as many valid sources as you can. You must include primary and secondary studies. Evaluate their consistency and utility.
- Check if all resources have been included in your list of references.
- You must have a perfect understanding of the topic.
- You must write your extended essay so that it flows smoothly and logically, from one aspect of the topic to another. Do not make it redundant. Do not include information if it is not relevant.
- Review each fact and piece of evidence before you cite it in the body of your paper. Do not simply list facts. Make it interesting.
- Do not use too much passive voice. Make it as active as you can.
- Wrap up the argument and create a persuasive conclusion. Restate the thesis.
- Edit and proofread the EE before you submit it to your advisor. Even a single error can distort the original impression from your work.
Extended Definition Essay Outline
Extended definition essay outline recommendations will help you improve the quality of your work. Your extended essay structure should include these elements:
- Introduction (not more than 300 words)
- Methods (not more than 500 words)
- Body of the paper (not more than 3000 words)
- Conclusion or summary (not more than 400 words)
Your EE should include the basic elements that are present in a regular academic paper. For instance, the introduction will provide some background information, ending with a thesis statement. In the body, you will cover every aspect of your topic (subject) in detail. In a conclusion, you will summarize the argument and offer recommendations for future research and practice.
You may need to include an annotated bibliography, if this is a required element by your advisor. Here, you will summarize and evaluate each reference or source used in the EE. Better start with an annotated bibliography; this way, you will be better prepared to write a perfect EE.
As for the extended essay structure, follow this simple plan:
- include a title page that will feature the title and research subject of your paper
- include your teacher’s name, date, word count, and other required elements
- include an abstract that must not be more than 250 words long
- include a table of contents
- include an introduction
- include a body with headings and subheadings
- include a conclusion
- include a list of references
- include appendices
Your EE should be at least 4,000 words long excluding the title (cover) page, the abstract, the table of contents, the list of references, and the appendices.
IB Extended Essay Guidelines
These simple International Baccalaureate extended essay guidelines will help you as you are working on the paper:
- Select the requirements for your diploma program.
- Review the requirements, the evaluation rubric, the ethics agreement, the institution’s education and writing policies, etc.
- Begin with a researcher’s reflection space; use it to plan and follow the guidelines for your EE.
- Select a topic and do some initial research.
- Create a research question.
- Create a draft outline with a timeline.
- Decide where and how you will collect evidence from sources.
- See what referencing and formatting style you must follow in your work.
- See when you are to submit the finished paper.
- Determine an optimal structure for your EE.
- Review available evidence pertaining to your subject.
- Do research and write your paper.
EE Guide to Help You with Writing Process
This EE guide will make the whole writing process much easier for you. To begin with, do not take this assignment as a burden. Consider it as an opportunity to explore your favorite subject in detail.
Start with policies to guide the writing process. You must know the requirements and expectations set by your academic institution, your tutor, your instructor, and so on. You must know what ethical and academic policies you must follow when working on the EE. For example, if you are to conduct an experiment, you must know what you can or cannot do in experimental procedures. If you are to investigate the psychology and cultural responses of individuals to questions, stimuli, or changes, you must understand how to follow ethical procedures in your investigation to produce an ethical and relevant result.
Overview: you may need to write an overview section for your EE. If needed, it will include the following components:
- Choosing a topic
- Approaching the topic
- Assessing the quality of EE work
A: focus and method criteria (20% of the grade)
B: topic comprehension criteria (20% of the grade)
C: critical thinking criteria (30% of the grade)
D: presentation (10% of the grade)
E: engagement criteria (20% of the grade)
IB Extended Essay Writing Tips
Follow these simple IB extended essay writing tips to improve the results of your work:
- write something that you truly enjoy;
- choose a topic that is neither too narrow nor too wide;
- choose a supervisor or a tutor who knows your subject/topic in detail;
- choose an advisor with whom you have “chemistry” who will be genuinely interested in improving your academic results;
- follow recommendations to structure your EE perfectly;
- check if your EE flows smoothly;
- stay rational but do not forget about the emotional side;
- critically evaluate every piece of evidence before including it in your paper;
- develop a perfect understanding of the topic/subject;
- utilize many credible sources; the more you use, the better;
- include a justification and rationale for choosing your topic;
- keep away from passive voice; include an introduction and a conclusion;
- edit and proofread the finished paper;
- create a research question that is focused and engaging: check it against the 4 criteria: – scope, – course concepts, – information to answer the question, and – value and contribution;
- include a reflection component.
134 Extended Essay Topics
Extended essay topics below will guide your decisions and choices while working on your EE. Unique International Baccalaureate extended essay topics by subjects for students with different interests.
Extended Definition Essay Topics
- Racism.
- Discrimination.
- Humility.
- Looseness.
- Right to life.
- Ethics of life.
- Freedom of decision-making.
- Autonomy and justice.
- Teamwork.
Extended Essays Topics on Economics
- How economic cycles occur?
- Effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies during recessions.
- How fiscal policy can improve the economic outlook?
- Why taxes matter?
- How the uncertainty in global economic markets contributes to local market volatility?
- How individual earnings and savings improves nations’ GDP?
- Why every individual is a contribute to the national economy?
- Why every country needs a comprehensive economic development strategy?
Physics Extended Essay Subjects
- The essence of electricity.
- The essence of magnetism.
- How physical science benefits humans?
- How the history of physics and the history of the world correlated?
- What scientific techniques are used by physics in the 21st century?
- How energy and motion change the world?
- The physics of hotness.
- The physics of coldness.
Mathematics Extended Essay Topics
- Statistics and its contribution to math.
- The issue of relativity in cosmology.
- How planets move?
- Color polynomials – use mathematics to explain.
- The history of arithmetic in Greece.
- How partitions theory explains the world?
- Voting polynomials.
- Mathematics and its utility in explaining ordinary events.
- How Egyptian fractions can help?
- How to study math at school?
Biology Extended Essay Topics
- Why different plants grow in a different manner even though they reside in the same area?
- Why it is so important to store milk from cows in a cool place?
- How marine fauna differs from terrestrial fauna?
- Is there any possibility for photosynthesis to occur in darkness?
- How does pollination occur?
- How allergic plants affect human health?
- How plants respond to changes in habitat?
- How changes in climate shift the patterns of pollination, particularly in remote areas?
English Extended Essay Topics
- How neologisms change the nature and patterns of linguistic proficiency in the English language?
- How do the rules of grammar influence the way individuals construct their worldview?
- How does the history of the English language find its reflection in other languages?
- How does British English differ from the English language spoken in Australia?
- How did the English language influence the patterns of linguistic development in countries that used to be British colonies?
- How did the development of the English and French languages influence each other?
- Phonetics and phonemics in the English language.
- Borrowings in the English language – history and influence.
- The learning curve – meaning, essence, and impact.
- How the English semantics differs from that in Spanish?
Literature Extended Essay Topics
- How Marquez’s style differs from that of his contemporaries?
- Why the writings of Ancient Greece are still relevant today?
- Kurt Vonnegut: the uniqueness of art and style in literature.
- The most prominent depictions of women in 20th century literature.
- Artificial languages – a cause or a consequence?
- Hamlet versus Macbeth – delineating differences.
- Russian literature as an embodiment of human tragedy: the case of Dostoevsky.
- Keyes’ Flowers for Algernon: why intelligence matters?
Extended Paper Subjects on English Literature
- Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar – the life and death of a human being.
- Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis and the role of allegory.
- Jane Austen – the legend of English literary writing.
- John Green and Fault in Our Stars.
- English literature of the Industrial Revolution – how history and literature meet.
- Lisa Kleypas and Devil in Winter: revolutionizing the study of English literature.
Extended Essays on Geography
- Environmental implications of industrial and economic development.
- Why countries choose to relocate their capital cities?
- How we have got all our continents and systems as they are today?
- How marine eco culture changes in response to changes in economics and social life?
- Terrestrial crust expertise – evolution and implications for geography.
- How economy changes geography: real-life examples?
- How businesses make decisions to relocate their manufacturing facilities: ecological and terrestrial implications?
- The study of water quality and water problems worldwide.
History Extended Paper Subjects
- Reasons why the Soviet Union has gone into oblivion.
- History and politics in early English writings.
- The historical legacy of the U.S.-Cuban confrontation in the 20th century.
- Why the Second World War became possible and real?
- The contribution of the Versailles Accord to peace and stability.
- The Holocaust – a lesson of cruelty for the humanity.
- How Stalin and Hitler came to terms before WWII?
Extended Essays on World Studies
- How food scarcity influences the lives of families in underdeveloped countries?
- Global climate change – reality or myth?
- Why the 21st century is an era of global terrorism?
- The most pertinent issues facing the world.
- Renewable energy – can it save the world?
- The end of the world and the risks of mass extinction.
- Why the world must unite around the goals of sustainability and environmental protection?
- Going global, going local – what makes the difference?
- Health and safety in global travel.
- When cultural competence becomes a matter of survival?
Psychology Extended Essay Topics
- Psychological obsession with television.
- How mass media change public opinion?
- Fast food addiction – psychology and science.
- How workaholism impacts employees’ psychological and emotional well-being?
- How schizophrenia differs from other psychiatric disorders?
- Can men and women forget about psychological differences?
- Psychology of child abuse and its effects on children’s psychological well-being.
Visual Arts Extended Essay Topics
- The Bronze Age and the era of visual arts.
- How the Athens have changed the course of the art revolution in the world?
- How pottery developed in Ancient Rome?
- Ancient Greece and the power of sculpture.
- Greek and Roman painting – what is the difference?
- How the legacy of Roman sculpture shaped the progress of art in medieval Europe?
- Roman and Greek sculpture and its effects on postmodern art.
Music Extended Essay Topics
- The works of Rachmaninoff and their contribution to the evolution of classical music.
- Is there classical music in North America?
- Postmodernism and its effects on music
- Hip-hop – a new trend or a side effect of deterioration in music?
- Jazz and its historical context.
Film Extended Essay Topics
- Charlie Chaplin and the inclusion of protest grotesque in his movies.
- How Tarantino’s movies challenge conventional strategies of filmmaking?
- Does IMDB rating and the number of awards received by a movie correlate?
- The Fight Club as an allegory of failed masculinity and manipulation?
- Why science fiction movies (e.g. X-files) distort the reality of criminal investigation?
- Is the soap opera format still relevant in the 21st century?
Computer Science Extended Essay Topics
- Algorithms and their role in computer programming.
- How big data are changing the nature and complexity of computer science.
- Biology and informatics come together – what is the result?
- Database management as a foundation of computer science.
- Networking and intuitive design to facilitate learning.
Global Politics Extended Essay Topics
- The way the Hong Kong protests of 2019 impact the global view of politics and decision-making.
- Syria and the politics of violence in the Middle East.
- How Greece’s cooperation with the IMF has improved its financial prospects?
- Do electronic elections have any future?
- The Ukrainian evolution of 2014 and changes in the global political relationships with Russia.
- Why Israel and Palestine have failed to reach a consensus?
- Holodomor as a strategy of political extinction.
IB Extended Essay Topics on Human Rights
- The issue of LGBT and its effects on the global appreciation of human rights.
- Human rights during violent military conflicts – who wins?
- Religious extremism as a violation of fundamental human rights.
- Human rights violations in former Soviet republics.
- U.S. immigration policies and the legitimacy of discrimination on the basis of nationality and socioeconomic status.